Monday, February 11, 2008


If everyone has an aura why can't I see them? Most people often do see an aura but disbelieve what they see or chalk it up to something it really is not. So what is an aura? Is it some weird light like a halo around certain people's crown? In order to learn to see an aura one must understand what an aura is. There is absolutely nothing mystical or magical about the process of seeing an aura. It simply requires some understanding of what you are looking for. There are many definitions for aura's but it is really an energy field that surrounds anything that has an atomic structure.


Do Pagans and Witches really fly on brooms? This is the question most often asked by younger children who I have met. With the advent of "The Harry Potter" series showing the wizards flying across the fields in a "Quidditch" match, one can understand the question. What amazes me is the many Pagans and Wiccan's that do not know the symbolic meaning of the broom from the Old Religion.

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The Witches' Child Excerpt

Chapter One

"The tear in the fabric is your fault. It is because of you, your decisions, and your actions that this battle rages. It is because of you, that all you hold precious is gone from you. Do you hear me? Your fault. It is not that of either side, but you alone hold responsibility of the Dark Days. The responsibility of the tear", the resounding echoes of the voice sounding so deliberate, so purposeful in nature.

Lucid dreams very simply stated is a dream in which you are completely aware that you are dreaming. The degree of your "lucidity" or awareness can vary according to what the strength of your conscious is to focus. The presence of critical faculty and mental ability to take control of a dream itself varies greatly from person to person. Lucid dreaming is very similar to astral projection as it can be spontaneous or intentional experience, only more commonly remembered than astral projection. For the most part lucidity in dreams is triggered by something which would not occur in reality or could not occur.

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Reflections: How I see myself in the mirror

The metaphorical comparison "life is like a mirror" is more of a reality than most would believe. When looking at the back side of a mirror there is no reflection. It is like your mental state, your mind set (positive or negative) and your emotions. No one sees the backside of a mirror, just as no on sees the inside of a p...

Monday, February 4, 2008

Laws of Attraction

Law of Attraction - Does it apply to you? The mistake many people make comes with not understanding what the Law of Attraction is. Even those who understand what the Law of Attraction is do not understand how to fully apply it to their lives. It is much more than just thinking about and visualizing what you wish to attract to your life. There is action needed to allow the Laws of Attraction manifest themselves.

The Law of Attraction simply says that what you think about is what you will attract into your life. Or even simpler like attracts like. It has been suggested that the energy of any person can act as a living magnet - either repelling or attracting energy around them. The Law of Attraction is working in every living being whether they realize it or not. You attract the people in your life, you attract the situations in your life and when you learn to use the Law of Attraction you can deliberately attract what you wish for to your life. How do you do this?

There are some very basic steps to follow in applying the Law of Attraction to your life.

Clarity. You need to be very clear on what it is that you want to manifest in your life. This can sometimes be a difficult task. Reversing the process actually can make it simpler to understand. By knowing what you definitely do not want in your life, you can begin to see a clearer picture of what it is that you do want in your life. As you determine what it is that you want to attract, write it down to help you stay focused on your goal.
Visualize. The Law of Attraction is using the energy or vibrational pull that each person has within them. Close your eyes and visualize yourself having already obtained what your picture looks like. Visualize that all the things that you wrote on your list in Step one have come to culmination in your life already.
Allow. This may actually be the most difficult of the three steps in the Laws of Attraction. To allow our desire to come sounds simple; yet, many times within us what we desire most causes an underlying fear and anxiety. When these emotions are felt what happens is unconsciously we push that which is coming into our life back out. To be open to all opportunities is the key. Allowing things to flow in and out and be willing to put in a measured amount of our own energy to the pot will begin to subtle change those underlying fears that keep pushing things away.

The application of the Law of Attraction challenges our beliefs about ourselves. The limits we once set are taken down allowing the person to be free and open to all that they are trying to attract. Allowing is an action; however, it is not the same as searching. A person needs to be still enough within to realize when they need to breath and just allow. When a person can fully apply the Laws of Attraction within every aspect of their life, they will find they have been rocketed into another dimension of joy and serenity

Friday, February 1, 2008

Difference between Paganism and Wicca

When discussing the difference between Wicca and Paganism, each person will have a different slant on what the terminology means to them. With that said, for me, there is a vast difference in being Pagan and being Wiccan and there is no difference in being Pagan and being Wiccan. I realize that this is a paradoxical way of thinking and believing. Let me attempt to explain as my mentor did for me a very long time ago.

To be Pagan is to walk on a narrow pathway that leads to no where and every where. Meaning the standards and ethics by which you live by are based upon respect and honor for all things; including all things living and non-living. To breathe in and breathe out the energy that surrounds all things.

To be Wiccan is to walk on the same narrow pathway as a Pagan does but living by man made laws and order in the practice of living. Having studied Wiccan for a multitude of years, the major difference to me is the fellowship the craft offers and the ritualistic nature of worship.

Unfortunately, the current culture has made Wicca into a magic casting, spell binding, almost cult like group. However, every Wiccan that I have had the honor of meeting has been based upon a spiritual pathway that is by its very nature an inward spirituality; rather than a outward showing of spell work. Every circle I have been honored to participate in was a reflective circle that drew the energy from all and returned it back to all creating a divine space of serenity.

The lifestyle that I chose to call Pagan is a quiet walk with nature, in nature, and a part of nature embracing all of its energies. It is a path that requires I do self searching within to deepen my own spirituality. It requires my spirit and soul to be aligned as one so that I may receive and learn from every experience within every moment. The beauty of Paganism, for me, is the ability to live in a space where I can chose to walk with no purpose and just enjoy; or chose to run with a defined purpose and destination.

Paganism, for me, is boiled down simply in this way: There is a Divine entity that has both positive and negative energy. For without negative there can be no positive. If something is considered beautiful then something else in comparison must be ugly. How I chose to perceive any energy is based upon the amount of positive energy flowing through me and around me; keeping the balance to stay on the path.

Bright blessings.

Ancient Origins of Pagan Belief

When dealing with the subject of "Pagan Origins" the first duty is to determine the sense of which the term "Pagan" is being referred to. In this particular article, it is used as a reference to the countries in historic times, that have been at one time or other mainly of Celtic speech and origin. There is nothing clearer than the marvelous persistence of immemorial modes of thought regarding whatever ideas on Paganism that any may bring to the table. This writing is based upon the scanty remnants of all Celtic religion that are examined, the clearer it becomes that many of the characteristic features evolved during the vast period of the ages of stone. During this time, men evolved into a working philosophy of life. Any who study the origins are compelled to realize that the names of deities, rites, folk-lore and legend, the fundamental groundwork for the basic ideals of all Celtic religion can be seen as far back as the Paleolithic man.

It is not settle in history as to whether the Paleolithic man survived the Ice Age in Celtic speech originated countries. There is evidence however, that there is continuity between the Paleolithic and Neolithic periods. So somewhere civilization must obviously existed. We know, from some of the drawings and carvings that have been uncovered,that at some point the life of man changed from a hunter to a tamer of animals. What we do not know is what motivated the change. Some believe it was a kinship that man developed with the animals suggesting a "magic" developed between them or at the very least an alliance with the animals to protect man from hostile spirits. In all probability, we shall never know the true motivation of the alliance.

The spiritual/religious ideas of man in Neolithic times came into correlation with his development. Evidence abounds in striking illustration with uninterrupted stone circles and pillars of the world stand witness to the zeal of mans mind that was almost haunted by stone. As you delve further into historical origin, commonalities between the Celtic, Italian and Greek tongues suggest contact with men of different speech. The more the relics of Celtic religion are investigated, the more complex do its contributory factors become. In the long ages before history books, there were unrecorded conquests and migrations innumerable, and ideas do not fail to spread because there is no historian to record them.

Looking back Caesar tells us that Mars had at one time been the chief god of the Gauls, and that in Germany that was still the case. In Britain, also, we find that there were several deities identified with Mars, notably Belatucadrus and Cocidius, and this, too, points in the direction of a development of religion under military influence. This is not something most that study the origins of Paganism wish to shed light upon.

It isn't until late 300 BC do we begin to see what is considered now to be the fantastic Celtic art of Paganism. From the sketches of Celtic civilization it is seen, as well as elsewhere, that religious development is closely related to the development of the civilization in general. Bear in mind though that all parts of the Celtic world were not affected in equal proportion between the religious development and civilization development. This is part of the extreme complexity of studying the history of Celtic religion. One can not be certain as to the degree of progress either in civilization or the religious progress, nor the ideas that pervaded the interests of man at that time. In addition, accounts given by ancient authorities that were written do not match up with indisputable evidence, carvings, nor inscriptions.

Primitive man came to seek a solution not of the Universe as a whole (for of this he had no conception), but of the local Universe, in which he played a part. In dealing with Celtic folk-lore, it is very remarkable how it mirrors the characteristic local coloring and scenery of the districts in which it has originated.

The same holds true even today. Those who seek a solution to the true origins of Paganism can only mirror the characteristic of their own universe in which they live in. The true nature of Paganism itself is reverence and honor to all things. Since even the Stone Age, historically it is fact that primitive man held nature at its very purest form in a place of honor and respect. To that end, I subscribe to the theory that Paganism was, is, and always will be a part of the universe as we know it to be. For all man kind has taken heed to the energies of nature, be it a perceived positive or negative energy.

In conclusion, I hope that the brief sketch, which is based on an independent study only, will interest students of religion to pause and reflect without subjectivity, not only the dominant modes of thought held in the midst of our highly developed and complex world of today but, with openness of mind and spirit, allow that which is folk-lore and customs to show them selves as we all grope towards the light of understanding and spirituality.

All work is copyrighted upon publication by Ashira.